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Three New Books
Toxic Transplant
The Ghostly Animal Kingdom
Ghosts of the Pacific Coast
Haunted Highway
Haunted Arizona
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Toxic Transplant

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My newest book is fiction without even a hint of a ghost or a haunted restaurant. While I enjoy writing fiction, I missed being on the road looking for ghosts lurking in cemeteries and interviewing business owners who consider their ghosts members of their family. The research for Toxic Transplant, however, was fascinating especially after talking with transplant recipients and medical professionals, including those in the Organ Donor Network.

Toxic Transplant, which I co-authored with Barbara Nienstedt, is a medical murder mystery exploring unforeseen consequences of organ transplants. This is a cutting edge medical thriller leaping into the world of organ transplants. A prominent transplant surgeon, illegal drugs, a murder at a prestigious hospital and a trial where it is impossible to have a win win verdict. This is a page turning thriller with an ending that will leave the best armchair detective speechless.

Some of you have asked if the experiences of the transplant recipients we cited were true. The characters in the book are strictly fiction. But the cases that were used as illustrations of cellular memory have been based on the real experiences of transplant recipients. They have been reported in some studies, newspapers, and our interviews with heart recipients and medical professionals.

Toxic Transplant